I Am a Potato

Ziggy Hanaor


Available on back-order

If Creature is not a potato, what could they possibly be? ‘I am a potato’, says Creature. ‘No, you’re not’, says Dog. ‘Do you grow underground? Do you have lots of eyes? No? Then you’re not a potato’. ‘Then WHAT AM I?’ wails Creature. Cat comes along. ‘Do you breathe air? Do you eat and poo? Do you move around? You are an animal!’ But what kind of animal are they? As their identity crisis continues, more animals join the conversation, asking questions and narrowing down the possiblities until they eventually work out the answer.

ISBN: 9781800660519 Category:


If Creature is not a potato, what could they possibly be???

‘I am a potato’, says Creature. ‘No, you’re not,’ says Dog. ‘Do you grow underground? Do you have lots of eyes? No? Then you’re not a potato.’ ‘Then WHAT AM I?’ wails Creature. Cat comes along. ‘Do you breathe air? Do you eat and poo? Do you move around? You are an animal!’ But what kind of animal are they? As their identity crisis continues, more animals join the conversation, asking questions and narrowing down the possiblities until they eventually work out the answer.

This is a silly, delightful book that nonetheless teaches an important lesson about using the scientific method to draw conclusions by observing, asking questions and eliminating possibilities. Vividly brought to life in Elliot Kruszynski’s punchy, graphic illustrations, taxonomy has never been this fun.

Additional information

Weight 0.412 kg
Dimensions 28 × 28.9 × 1.1 cm










Hardback original


823.92 (edition:23)


Children – juvenile / Code: J

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